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Financial Advisory Services

Need of Financial Advisory Services

Reducing Fund Blockage In Working Capital

Improve Debt Service Coverage ratio

Following key concerns of finance have been addressed: 

  • Bulk Purchase of Packing Material.
  • Investment in Slow Moving Items.
  • Higher Collection Period compared to Industry.
  • Higher Borrowing Cost.
  • Higher Bank Charges.
  • Fund Remains Idle for Shot-Term.
Functions and Benefit of Financial Advisory Services

Be Debt - Free

We provide guidance on this three Core Areas of Finance :  1) Reduce Working Capital , 2) Improve Debt Service Coverage and 3) Idle Fund Management.


1) Reduce Working Capital Cycle-

  • Cash to Cash Cycle Analysis.
  • Sales Turnover Analysis.
  • Book Profit to Cash Profit Analysis.

2) Improve Debt Coverage Ratio –

  • Balance Transfer (BT) of loans to lower Interest Rate.
  • Pay installment 10% more every year to become debt free in short run.
  • Renting out Idle assets to generate rent income.

3) Idle Fund Management-

  • Park Idle funds in Liquid Mutual Funds.
  • Pay Government dues on time to save interest cost and Penalty.


  • Book profits are Enchased.
  • On Demand Purchase(Just in Time System) by Tie – Up With Suppliers.
  • Designing Cash Discount Policy.
  • Get Fund at Lower interest Rate.
  • Be Premium Customer of Bank for Zero Bank Chares.
  • Pay installment 10% More Every Year to Become Debt free Soon.


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